Wednesday, September 5

Scrap those things your teens just can't live without...

Hi there loyal teen scrappers - Lianne is one busy lady at the moment so I'm helping her out by posting our new teen theme. How about scrapping those things that your teens just can't live without - you know the sort of things we mean...they may not be our idea of priorities in life but for teens they are everything. This should be an easy one for you I reckon :O) and we would love to see what you come up with so please share it - remember to send your layouts to: and if we are inspiring you please let us know by sending some love our way by commenting :O)

Jo x





Shelley said...

Hi Jo & Lianne :)

Stumbled across your blog via Ilka's blog and decided that I will give this challenge a go... already talked to Miss 15 and seems pretty cool with the idea. Really enjoyed checking out your blog and I'll definitely be back!!

Anonymous said...

LOL, I notice a similarity here, all the things my teens can't live without, hmmm what has the world come too, if my daughter's cellphone isn't in her hand its down her top!! LOL, thanks for the great ideas!